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Filtered vs unfiltered olive oil

Andalucian Olive Company

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

With the popularity gain of olive oil in daily life all around the globe, its usage and demands have skyrocketed. It can be found easily everywhere. They are being used in daily diet, skin and to cure many ailments. With this much demand, there are many types of oils of olives and their characteristics. But you are here to know about filtered vs unfiltered olive oil.

We know you are very curious to know which one is better and is more beneficial. But before that, you need to know about several things. What are filtered and unfiltered olive oil, how are they made, etc? To answer all your question and make things clear for you we have done our homework.

So, without further ado, let's dive to know all about it filtered vs unfiltered olive oil

How olive oil is produced:

The olive oil production process is very simple. We know you have thought of this where does olive oil come from. It is very similar to other oil production processes.

  • Harvesting: the first step is harvesting the olives. Different types of olives are harvested at different times of the year. With green olives harvested early seasons and darker on later.

  • Processing: the next step is grounding and crushed to separate the leaves and branches. It produces a thick paste

  • Malaxation: after forming the thick paste from the olives, water is added to it and stirred. To separate the oil from any kind of solids and water.

  • Pressing: the mixture to make it completely waterless and liquid is thrown in the oil press. It will make the oil pure from water and pulps

  • Filtering: the next step is oil filtering process that is done on a centrifuge to remove the particles and water completely. If you skip this process, you will have unfiltered olive oil. And if you do this filtering process to remove the remains you will receive a filtered type of olive oil.

The oil will be put in filter media until it is completely free of all the particles like water or pulps.

So that pretty much explains the difference between filter and unfiltered olive oil. In short, filter olive oil is free from water and any other solid particle. Whereas, an unfiltered olive oil contains water and particles.

The appearance of filtered and unfiltered olive oil:

Filtered olive oil appears very clean and neat. Whereas, the unfiltered olive oil will appear a bit cloudy due to the particles it contains. The appearance of filtered olive oil is more appealing due to it being not cloudy and neat.

Some people buy filtered olive oil just because of its simple and clean appearance.

Filtered vs unfiltered olive oil:

So, after knowing all the important details now you are more curious to know which one is better. To be honest it entirely depends on the taste of the person. Some people find unfiltered extra virgin olive oil better. Whereas at the same time some people find filtered one a lot better.

Some people choose unfiltered olive oil because it contains more flavour as compared to the filtered olive oil. It is also healthier and good olive oil because it contains all the additional particles including polyphenols which makes it a better antioxidant. The unfiltered olive oil decants in-tank naturally which makes it fresher and has been produced in the last season.

On the other hand, people choose the filtered one because of its more clean and appealing appearance. Filtered olive oil is also not conservative because they do not contain water and fruit. Unfiltered olive oil is conservative because of containing these substances which makes them preferable to use within a year and a filtered olive oil is good to go for 18 to 24 months. Filtered oil also contains better preservation due to the removal of moisture.

The result:

So, after knowing all the necessary details from its production to storing to the pros and cons of each. Now it entirely depends on you to choose between filter vs no filter according to your wants. Both types of olive oil have its properties and advantages as compared to the other.

Your choice should depend on which one better suits your taste. It should depend on the freshness of it. There are mixed reactions with taste too. So, check both of them out and go for the one that you like more.


Q: Which one is healthier unfiltered or filtered olive oil?

Ans: unfiltered olive oil is a healthier option as compared to a filtered one. It is filled with water and other fruity particles. It contains additional polyphenols. So, in the health category unfiltered olive oil is the option to go for. It is the best olive oil for cooking when on diet.

Q: what is the difference between olive oil and extra virgin olive oil?

Ans: olive oil is made up of a mixture of cold-pressed olives and processed oils. Whereas, extra virgin olive oil is made up of only cold-pressed olives. If comparing olive oil vs extra virgin olive oil then olive oil extra virgin is a healthier and better option.

Q: Can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil

Ans: yes, olive oil for cooking is a good substitute to be used in place of vegetable oil. If vegetable oil vs olive oil, then it's hard to choose because both have similar characteristics and there is very little difference between olive oil and vegetable oil.

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